Graduate Courses
- GACS-7401 Complex Adaptive Systems
- GACS-7301 Implementation and Impact of P2P Systems
- GACS-7201 Biometrics
Undergraduate Courses
- ACS-3931 Principles of Operating Systems
- ACS-3916 Human Computer Interaction
- ACS-3911 Computer Networks
- ACS-2816 Health Information Systems
- ACS-1904 Programming Fundamentals II
Previous Teaching
I taught a variety of undegraduate computer science courses throughout the years I was previously a faculty member from 1987 until 1996.
All the teaching was at the
Tec de Monterrey - Chihuahua Campus in two well defined periods
- 1987 - 1990 Contract Lecturer
- 1992 - 1996 Assistant Professor
At the time, this university was primarily a teaching university, thus my teaching load was heavy from 1992 to 1996. However, I really enjoyed this time
because I met many bright students, shared knowledge and have fun being instructor.
Some of the undergraduate courses I taught during these periods included
- Assembly Language
- Operating Systems
- Local Area Networks
- Artificial Intelligence
- Systems Analysis and Design
- Database Administration
- Distributed Systems
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